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Meletiah Hathaway

Male 1732 - 1808  (75 years)

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The following individual does not have a valid birth date and could not be added: Ulysses S Davidson (I13112)


   Date  Event(s)
  • 1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle.
  • 1744: King George's War: French Colonies vs Great Britain 1744-1748.
  • 1745: E.G. von Kleist invents the leyden jar, the first electrical capacitor.
  • 1752: Benjamin Franklin invents the lightening rod.
  • 1755: Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary.
  • 1756: French and Indian War: also known as the Seven Years War. French Colonies vs Great Britain 1756-1763.
  • 1757: John Campbell invents the sextant.
  • 1758: Dolland invents a chromatic lens.
  • 1759: Cherokee War: English Colonists vs Cherokee Indians 1759-1761.
10 1760 
  • 1760: George III. Ruler of England 1760-1820. House of Hanover: Grandson of George II, married Charlotte of Mecklenburg.
11 1761 
  • 1761: Englishmen, John Harrison invents the navigational clock or marine chronometer for measuring longitude.
12 1764 
  • 1764: James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny.
13 1767 
  • 1767: Joseph Priestley invents carbonated water - soda water.
14 1768 
  • 1768: Richard Arkwright patents the spinning frame.
15 1769 
  • 1769: James Watt invents an improved steam engine.
16 1774 
  • 1774: Georges Louis Lesage patents the electric telegraph.
17 1775 
  • 1775: American Revolution: English Colonists vs Great Britain 1775-1783.
  • 1775: Jacques Perrier invents a steamship.
  • 1775: Alexander Cummings invents the flush toilet.
18 1776 
  • 1776: USA: signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • 1776: David Bushnell invents a submarine.
19 1779 
  • 1779: Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule.
20 1780 
  • 1780: Benjamin Franklin invents bi-focal eyeglasses.
  • 1780: Gervinus invents the circular saw.
21 1783 
  • 1783: Englishmen, Henry Cort invents the steel roller for steel production.
  • 1783: Louis Sebastien demonstrates the first parachute.
  • 1783: Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier invent the hot-air balloon.
  • 1783: Benjamin Hanks patents the self-winding clock.
22 1784 
  • 1784: Andrew Meikle invents the threshing machine.
  • 1784: Joseph Bramah invents the safety lock.
23 1785 
  • 1785: Blanchard invents a working parachute.
  • 1785: Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom.
  • 1785: Claude Berthollet invents chemical bleaching.
  • 1785: Charles Augustus Coulomb invents the torsion balance.
24 1786 
  • 1786: John Fitch invents a steamboat.
25 1789 
  • 1789: George Washington first president of the United States 1789-1797.
  • 1789: The guillotine is invented.
26 1790 
  • 1790: The United States issued its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia for a machine that roves and spins cotton.
27 1791 
  • 1791: John Barber invents the gas turbine.
  • 1791: Early bicycles invented in Scotland.
28 1792 
  • 1792: William Murdoch invents gas lighting.
  • 1792: The first ambulance.
29 1794 
  • 1794: Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
  • 1794: Welshmen, Philip Vaughan invents ball bearings.
30 1795 
  • 1795: Francois Appert invents the preserving jar for food.
31 1796 
  • 1796: Edward Jenner creates a smallpox vaccination.
32 1797 
  • 1797: John Adams president of the USA 1797-1801.
  • 1797: Wittemore patents a carding machine.
  • 1797: A British inventor, Henry Maudslay invents the first metal or precision lathe.
33 1798 
  • 1798: Franco-American Naval War: United States vs France 1798-1800.
  • 1798: Aloys Senefelder invents lithography.
  • 1798: The first soft drink invented.
34 1799 
  • 1799: Alessandro Volta invents the battery.
  • 1799: Louis Robert invents the Fourdrinier Machine for sheet paper making.
35 1800 
  • 1800: Frenchmen, J.M. Jacquard invents the Jacquard Loom.
36 1801 
  • 1801: USA: Tripolitan War 1801-1805. Barbary Wars: also fought in 1815. United States vs Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli 1801-1805.
  • 1801: Thomas Jefferson president of the USA 1801-1809.
37 1804 
  • 1804: Richard Trevithick, an English mining engineer, developed the first steam-powered locomotive.
  • 1804: Freidrich Winzer (Winsor) was the first person to patent gas lighting.