Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1918 | - 1918: World War I ends.
- 1918: Charles Jung invented fortune cookies.
2 | 1919 | - 1919: The pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite.
- 1919: Short-wave radio invented.
- 1919: The arc welder invented.
3 | 1920 | - 1920: The tommy gun patented by John T Thompson.
- 1920: The Band-Aid invented by Earle Dickson
4 | 1921 | - 1921: Warren Harding president of the USA 1921. Warren Harding dies of an embolism in San Francisco. He had taken ill on 31 Jul 1921.
- 1921: Calvin Coolidge president of the USA 1921-1929. Calvin Coolidge, vice president under Warren Harding, sworn in as president the day after Harding dies.
- 1921: Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.
- 1921: John Larson, a University of California medical student, invented the modern lie detector (polygraph), used by police since 1924.
5 | 1922 | - 1922: Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.
- 1922: The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released.
6 | 1923 | - 1923: Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal.
- 1923: The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin.
- 1923: John Harwood invented the self-winding watch.
- 1923: Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food.
7 | 1924 | - 1924: The dynamic loudspeaker invented by Rice and Kellogg.
- 1924: Notebooks with spiral bindings invented.
8 | 1925 | - 1925: The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.
9 | 1926 | - 1926: Robert H. Goddard invents liquid-fueled rockets.
10 | 1927 | - 1927: JWA Morrison invents the first quartz crystal watch.
- 1927: Philo Taylor Farnsworth invents a complete electronic TV system.
- 1927: Technicolor invented.
- 1927: Erik Rotheim patents an aerosol can.
- 1927: Warren Marrison developed the first quartz clock.
- 1927: Philip Drinker invents the iron lung.
11 | 1928 | - 1928: Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
- 1928: Bubble gum invented by Walter E. Diemer.
- 1928: Jacob Schick patented the electric shaver.
12 | 1929 | - 1929: Herbert Hoover president of the USA 1929-1933.
- 1929: American, Paul Galvin invents the car radio.
- 1929: Yo-Yo re-invented as an American fad.
13 | 1930 | - 1930: Scotch tape patented by 3M engineer Richard G. Drew.
- 1930: The "differential analyzer", or analog computer invented by Vannevar Bush at MIT in Boston.
- 1930: Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain both invent a jet engine.
14 | 1931 | - 1931: Harold Edgerton invented stop-action photography.
- 1931: Germans Max Knott and Ernst Ruska co-invent the electron microscope.
15 | 1932 | - 1932: Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.
16 | 1933 | - 1933: Franklin Roosevelt president of the USA 1933-1945.
- 1933: Frequency modulation (FM radio) invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.
- 1933: Stereo records invented.
17 | 1934 | - 1934: Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monopoly.
- 1934: Joseph Begun invents the first tape recorder for broadcasting - first magnetic recording.
18 | 1935 | - 1935: Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invents nylon (polymer 6.6.).
- 1935: The first canned beer made.
19 | 1936 | - 1936: Bell Labs invents the voice recognition machine.
- 1936: Samuel Colt patents the Colt revolver.
- 1936: Edward VIII. Ruler of England 1936. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): Eldest son of George V.
- 1936: George VI. Ruler of England 1936-1952. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): 2nd son of George V, Duke of York; married Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
20 | 1937 | - 1937: Chester F. Carlson invents the photocopier.
21 | 1938 | - 1938: The ballpoint pen invented by Ladislo Biro.
- 1938: Roy J. Plunkett invented tetrafluoroethylene polymers or Teflon.
- 1938: Nescafe or freeze-dried coffee invented.
22 | 1939 | - 1939: World War II begins. Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan vs. Major Allied Powers: United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia. 1939-1945.
- 1939: Igor Sikorsky invents the first successful helicopter.
23 | 1940 | - 1940: Peter Goldmark invents modern color television system.
- 1940: Karl Pabst invents the jeep.
24 | 1941 | - 1941: Konrad Zuse's Z3, the first computer controlled by software.
25 | 1942 | - 1942: John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built the first electronic digital computer.
26 | 1943 | - 1943: Richard James invents the slinky.
- 1943: James Wright invent silly putty.
- 1943: Swiss chemist, Albert Hofmann discovered the hallucinogenic properties of LSD.
- 1943: Emile Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau invent the aqualung.
27 | 1944 | - 1944: The kidney dialysis machine invented by Willem Kolff.
- 1944: Synthetic cortisone invented by Percy Lavon Julian.
28 | 1945 | - 1945: World War II ends.
- 1945: Harry Truman president of the USA 1945-1953.
- 1945: The atomic bomb invented.
29 | 1946 | - 1946: The microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer.
30 | 1947 | - 1947: British/Hungarian scientist, Dennis Gabor, developed the theory of holography.
- 1947: Mobile phones first invented.
- 1947: Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invent the transistor.
- 1947: Earl Silas Tupper patented the Tupperware seal.
31 | 1948 | - 1948: The Frisbee® invented by Walter Frederick Morrison and Warren Franscioni.
- 1948: Velcro ® invented by George de Mestral.
- 1948: Robert Hope-Jones invented the Wurlitzer jukebox.
32 | 1949 | |
33 | 1950 | - 1950: Korean War: United States (as part of the United Nations) and South Korea vs. North Korea and Communist China 1950-1953.
- 1950: The first credit card (Diners) invented by Ralph Schneider.
34 | 1951 | - 1951: Super glue invented.
- 1951: Power steering invented by Francis W. Davis.
- 1951: Charles Ginsburg invented the first videotape recorder (VTR).
35 | 1952 | - 1952: Mr. Potato Head patented.
- 1952: The first patent for bar code (US Patent #2,612,994) issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver.
- 1952: The first diet soft drink sold called the "No-Cal Beverage" a gingerale sold by Kirsch.
- 1952: Edward Teller and team build the hydrogen bomb.
- 1952: Elizabeth II. Ruler of England 1952-present. House of Windsor (name adopted Jul 17, 1917): Elder daughter of George VI, acceded Feb 6, 1956.
36 | 1953 | - 1953: Dwight Eisenhower president of the USA 1953-1961.
- 1953: Radial tires invented.
- 1953: The first musical synthesizer invented by RCA.
- 1953: Transistor radio invented by Texas Instruments.
37 | 1954 | - 1954: Oral contraceptives invented.
- 1954: The first nonstick pan produced.
- 1954: The solar cell invented by Chaplin, Fuller and Pearson.
- 1954: Ray Kroc started McDonalds.
38 | 1955 | - 1955: Optic fiber invented.
39 | 1956 | - 1956: The first computer hard disk used.
- 1956: The hovercraft invented by Christopher Cockerell.
- 1956: Bette Nesmith Graham invented "Mistake Out," later renamed Liquid Paper, to paint over mistakes made with a typewriter.
40 | 1957 | - 1957: Fortran (computer language) invented.
41 | 1958 | - 1958: The modem invented.
- 1958: Gordon Gould invents the laser.
- 1958: The Hula Hoop invented by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin.
- 1958: The integrated circuit invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.
42 | 1959 | - 1959: The internal pacemaker invented by Wilson Greatbatch.
- 1959: Barbie Doll invented.
- 1959: Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce both invent the microchip.
43 | 1960 | - 1960: USA Vietnam War Begins
- 1960: The halogen lamp invented.
44 | 1961 | - 1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion: United States vs Cuba 1961.
- 1961: John F. Kennedy president of the USA 1961-1963.
- 1961: Valium invented.
- 1961: The nondairy creamer invented.
45 | 1962 | - 1962: The audio cassette invented.
- 1962: The fiber-tip pen invented by Yukio Horie.
- 1962: Spacewar, the first computer video game invented.
- 1962: Dow Corp invents silicone breast implants.
46 | 1963 | - 1963: John F. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas, 22 Nov 1963.
- 1963: Lyndon B. Johnson president of the USA 1963-1969. Lyndon B. Johnson, vice president under John F. Kennedy, sworn in as president aboard Air Force One upon death of Kennedy.
- 1963: The first videodisc invented.
47 | 1964 | - 1964: Acrylic paint invented.
- 1964: Permanent-press fabric invented.
- 1964: BASIC (an early computer language) is invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz.
48 | 1965 | - 1965: Astroturf invented.
- 1965: Soft contact lenses invented.
- 1965: NutraSweet invented.
- 1965: The compact disk invented by James Russell.
49 | 1966 | - 1966: Electronic Fuel injection for cars invented.
50 | 1967 | - 1967: The first handheld calculator invented.
51 | 1968 | - 1968: The computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart.
- 1968: The first computer with integrated circuits made.
- 1968: Robert Dennard invented RAM (random access memory).
52 | 1969 | - 1969: Richard Nixon president of the USA 1969-1974.
- 1969: The arpanet (first internet) invented.
- 1969: The artificial heart invented.
- 1969: The ATM invented.
- 1969: The bar-code scanner is invented.
53 | 1970 | - 1970: The daisy-wheel printer invented.
- 1970: The floppy disk invented by Alan Shugart.
54 | 1971 | - 1971: The dot-matrix printer invented.
- 1971: The food processor invented.
- 1971: The liquid-crystal display (LCD) invented by James Fergason.
- 1971: The microprocessor invented by Faggin, Hoff and Mazor.
- 1971: VCR or videocassette recorder invented.
55 | 1972 | - 1972: The word processor invented.
- 1972: Pong (first video game) invented by Nolan Bushnell.
- 1972: Hacky Sack® invented by John Stalberger and Mike Marshall.
56 | 1973 | - 1973: Gene splicing invented.
- 1973: The ethernet (local computer network) invented by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox.
- 1973: Bic invents the disposable lighter.
57 | 1974 | - 1974: Richard M. Nixon first president of USA to resign from office. His decision was announced 8 Aug 1974.
- 1974: Gerald Ford president of the USA 1974-1977.
- 1974: The post-it note invented by Arthur Fry.
- 1974: Giorgio Fischer, a gynecologist from Rome, Italy, invents liposuction.
58 | 1975 | - 1975: USA Vietnam War Ends
- 1975: The laser printer invented.
- 1975: The push-through tab on a drink can invented.
59 | 1976 | - 1976: The ink-jet printer invented.
60 | 1977 | - 1977: Jimmy Carter president of the USA 1977-1981.
- 1977: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) invented by Raymond V. Damadian.
61 | 1978 | - 1978: The artificial heart Jarvik-7 invented by Robert K. Jarvik.
62 | 1979 | - 1979: Cellular phones invented.
- 1979: Cray supercomputer invented by Seymour Cray.
- 1979: Walkman invented.
- 1979: Scott Olson invents roller blades.
63 | 1980 | - 1980: The hepatitis-B vaccine invented.
64 | 1981 | - 1981: Ronald Reagan president of the USA 1981-1989.
- 1981: MS-DOS invented.
- 1981: The first IBM-PC invented.