Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1851 | - 1851: Isaac Singer invents a sewing machine.
2 | 1853 | - 1853: Franklin Pierce president of the USA 1853-1857.
3 | 1854 | - 1854: John Tyndall demonstrates the principles of fiber optics.
4 | 1855 | - 1855: Isaac Singer patents the sewing machine motor.
5 | 1856 | - 1856: Louis Pasteur invents pasteurisation.
6 | 1857 | - 1857: James Buchanan president of the USA 1857-1861.
- 1857: George Pullman invents the Pullman Sleeping Car for train travel.
7 | 1858 | - 1858: Hamilton Smith patents the rotary washing machine.
- 1858: Jean Lenoir invents an internal combustion engine.
8 | 1861 | - 1861: USA Civil War begins.
- 1861: Abraham Lincoln president of the USA 1861-1865.
- 1861: Linus Yale invents the Yale lock or cylinder lock.
- 1861: Elisha Otis patents elevator safety brakes, creating a safer elevator.
9 | 1862 | - 1862: Dr. Richard Gatling patents the machine gun.
- 1862: Alexander Parkes invents the first man-made plastic.
10 | 1865 | - 1865: USA Civil War ends.
- 1865: Andrew Johnson president of the USA 1865-1869. Andrew Johnson, vice president under Abraham Lincoln, sworn in as president upon Lincoln's death.
- 1865: Abraham Lincoln shot by John Wilkes Booth on 14 Apr 1865 and dies the next day.
11 | 1866 | - 1866: J. Osterhoudt patents the tin can with a key opener.
- 1866: Alfred Nobel invents dynamite.
- 1866: Englishmen Robert Whitehead invents a torpedo.
12 | 1867 | - 1867: Christopher Scholes invents the first practical and modern typewriter.
13 | 1868 | - 1868: J P Knight invents traffic lights.
- 1868: George Westinghouse invents air brakes.
- 1868: Robert Mushet invents tungsten steel.
14 | 1869 | - 1869: Ulysses Grant president of the USA 1869-1877.
15 | 1872 | - 1872: A.M. Ward issues the first mail-order catalog.
- 1872: J.S. Risdon patents the metal windmill.
16 | 1873 | - 1873: Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire.
17 | 1874 | - 1874: American, C. Goodyear, Jr. invents the shoe welt stitcher.
18 | 1876 | - 1876: Melville Bissell patents the carpet sweeper.
- 1876: Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
- 1876: Nicolaus August Otto invents the first practical four-stroke internal combustion engine.
19 | 1877 | - 1877: Eadweard Muybridge invents the first moving pictures.
- 1877: Thomas Edison invents the cylinder phonograph or tin foil phonograph.
- 1877: Rutherford Hayes president of the USA 1877-1881.
20 | 1878 | - 1878: Sir Joseph Wilson Swan was the first person to invent a practical and longer-lasting electic lightbulb.
21 | 1880 | - 1880: Englishmen, John Milne invents the modern seismograph.
- 1880: The British Perforated Paper Company invents a form of toilet paper.
22 | 1881 | - 1881: James Garfield president of the USA 1881. James Garfield wounded by assassin's bullet on 3 Jul 1881 and dies 19 Sep 1881.
- 1881: Chester A. Arthur president of the USA 1881-1885. Chester A. Arthur, vice president under James Garfield, sworn in as president upon the death of Garfield.
- 1881: David Houston patents the roll film for cameras.
- 1881: Alexander Graham Bell invents the first crude metal detector.
- 1881: Edward Leveaux patents the automatic player piano.
23 | 1884 | - 1884: James Ritty invents the first working, mechanical cash register.
- 1884: Charles Parson patents the steam turbine.
- 1884: Lewis Edson Waterman invents the first practical fountain pen.
- 1884: George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film.
24 | 1885 | - 1885: Harim Maxim invents a machine gun.
- 1885: Gottlieb Daimler invents the first gas-engined motorcycle.
- 1885: Karl Benz invents the first practical automobile to be powered by an internal-combustion engine.
- 1885: Grover Cleveland president of the USA 1885-1889.
25 | 1886 | - 1886: John Pemberton invents Coca Cola.
- 1886: Josephine Cochrane invents the dishwasher.
26 | 1887 | - 1887: F.E. Muller and Adolph Fick invent the first wearable contact lenses.
- 1887: German, Heinrich Hertz invents radar.
- 1887: Emile Berliner invents the gramophone.
27 | 1888 | - 1888: John Boyd Dunlop patents a commercially successful pneumatic tire.
- 1888: Marvin Stone patents the spiral winding process to manufacture the first paper drinking straws.
- 1888: Nikola Tesla invents the AC motor and transformer.
28 | 1889 | - 1889: Benjamin Harrison president of the USA 1889-1893.
- 1889: Sir James Dewar and Sir Frederick Abel co-invent Cordite - a type of smokeless gunpowder.
- 1889: Joshua Pusey invents the matchbook.
29 | 1891 | - 1891: Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator.
30 | 1892 | - 1892: Sir James Dewar invents the Dewar flask or vacuum flask.
- 1892: Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine.
31 | 1893 | - 1893: Grover Cleveland president of the USA 1893-1897.
- 1893: American, W.L. Judson invents the zipper.
32 | 1895 | - 1895: Lumiere Brothers invent a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe. The Lumiere Brothers using their Cinematographe are the first to present a projected motion picture to an audience of more that one person.
33 | 1896 | - 1896: American, H. O'Sullivan invents the rubber heel.
34 | 1897 | - 1897: William McKinley president of the USA 1897-1901. William McKinley dies in Buffalo, NY, 1901.
35 | 1898 | - 1898: Spanish-American War: United States vs Spain 1898.
- 1898: Edwin Prescott patents the roller coaster.