Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1921 | - 1921: Calvin Coolidge president of the USA 1921-1929. Calvin Coolidge, vice president under Warren Harding, sworn in as president the day after Harding dies.
- 1921: Warren Harding president of the USA 1921. Warren Harding dies of an embolism in San Francisco. He had taken ill on 31 Jul 1921.
- 1921: Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.
- 1921: John Larson, a University of California medical student, invented the modern lie detector (polygraph), used by police since 1924.
2 | 1922 | - 1922: Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.
- 1922: The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released.
3 | 1923 | - 1923: The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin.
- 1923: Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food.
- 1923: John Harwood invented the self-winding watch.
- 1923: Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal.
4 | 1924 | - 1924: The dynamic loudspeaker invented by Rice and Kellogg.
- 1924: Notebooks with spiral bindings invented.
5 | 1925 | - 1925: The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television, invented by John Logie Baird.
6 | 1926 | - 1926: Robert H. Goddard invents liquid-fueled rockets.
7 | 1927 | - 1927: Erik Rotheim patents an aerosol can.
- 1927: Warren Marrison developed the first quartz clock.
- 1927: Philip Drinker invents the iron lung.
- 1927: Technicolor invented.
- 1927: JWA Morrison invents the first quartz crystal watch.
- 1927: Philo Taylor Farnsworth invents a complete electronic TV system.
8 | 1928 | - 1928: Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
- 1928: Bubble gum invented by Walter E. Diemer.
- 1928: Jacob Schick patented the electric shaver.
9 | 1929 | - 1929: Herbert Hoover president of the USA 1929-1933.
- 1929: American, Paul Galvin invents the car radio.
- 1929: Yo-Yo re-invented as an American fad.
10 | 1930 | - 1930: The "differential analyzer", or analog computer invented by Vannevar Bush at MIT in Boston.
- 1930: Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain both invent a jet engine.
- 1930: Scotch tape patented by 3M engineer Richard G. Drew.
11 | 1931 | - 1931: Harold Edgerton invented stop-action photography.
- 1931: Germans Max Knott and Ernst Ruska co-invent the electron microscope.
12 | 1932 | - 1932: Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.
13 | 1933 | - 1933: Franklin Roosevelt president of the USA 1933-1945.
- 1933: Frequency modulation (FM radio) invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.
- 1933: Stereo records invented.
14 | 1934 | - 1934: Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monopoly.
- 1934: Joseph Begun invents the first tape recorder for broadcasting - first magnetic recording.
15 | 1935 | - 1935: Wallace Carothers and DuPont Labs invents nylon (polymer 6.6.).
- 1935: The first canned beer made.