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Henry Perkins

Male 1500 - 1546  (~ 46 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1500: The first flush toilets appeared.
  • 1509: Henry VIII. Ruler of England 1509-1547. House of Tudor: Only surviving son of Henry VII by Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV.
  • 1510: Leonardo da Vinci designs a horizontal water wheel.
  • 1510: Pocket watch invented by Peter Henlein.
  • 1513: Urs Graf invents etching.
  • 1547: Edward VI. Ruler of England 1547-1553. House of Tudor: Son of Henry VIII, by Jane Seymour, his 3rd queen. Ruled under regents. Was forced to name Lady Jane Grey his successor. Council of State proclaimed her queen July 10, 1553. Mary Tudor won Council, was proclaimed queen July 19, 1553. Mary had Lady Jane Grey beheaded for treason, Feb 1554.
  • 1553: Mary I. Ruler of England 1553-1558. House of Tudor: Daughter of Henry VIII, by Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1558: Elizabeth I. Ruler of England 1558-1603. House of Tudor: Daughter of Henry VIII, by Anne Boleyn.
  • 1568: Bottled beer invented in London.
  • 1569: Gerard Mercator invents Mercator map projection.
10 1589 
  • 1589: Englishmen, William Lee invents the knitting machine.
11 1590 
  • 1590: Dutchmen, Zacharias Janssen invents the compound microscope.
12 1593 
  • 1593: Galileo invents a water thermometer.
13 1603 
  • 1603: James I. Ruler of England 1603-1625. House of Stuart: Son of Mary, Queen of Scots, granddaughter of James IV and Margaret. First to call himself King of Great Britain. This became official with the Act of Union, 1707.
14 1608 
  • 1608: Hans Lippershey invents the first refracting telescope.
15 1620 
  • 1620: The earliest human-powered submarine invented.
16 1624 
  • 1624: William Oughtred invents a slide ruler.
17 1625 
  • 1625: Frenchmen, Jean-Baptiste Denys invents a method for blood transfusion.
  • 1625: Charles I. Ruler of England 1625-1649. House of Stuart: Only surviving son of James I; beheaded Jan 30, 1649.
18 1629 
  • 1629: Giovanni Branca invents a steam turbine.
19 1636 
  • 1636: W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.
20 1637 
  • 1637: Pequot War 1637-1638
21 1642 
  • 1642: Frenchmen, Blaise Pascal invents an adding machine.
22 1643 
  • 1643: Evangelista Torricelli invents the barometer.
23 1649 
  • 1649: Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector. Ruler of England 1649-1658. Commonwealth & Protectorate.
24 1650 
  • 1650: Otto von Guericke invents a air pump.
25 1656 
  • 1656: Christian Huygens invents a pendulum clock.
26 1658 
  • 1658: Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector. Ruler of England 1658-1659. Commonwealth & Proctorate: 3rd son of Oliver. Resigned May 25, 1659.
27 1660 
  • 1660: Cuckoo clocks made in Furtwangen, Germany, in the Black Forest region.
  • 1660: Charles II. Ruler of England 1660-1685. House of Stuart (restored): Eldest son of Charles I, died without issue. De Jure King from Jan 30, 1649.
28 1663 
  • 1663: James Gregory invents the first reflecting telescope.
29 1668 
  • 1668: Isaac Newton invents a reflecting telescope.
30 1670 
  • 1670: Dom Pérignon invents Champagne.
  • 1670: The first reference to a candy cane is made.
31 1671 
  • 1671: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invents a calculating machine.
32 1675 
  • 1675: King Philip's War: New England colonies vs Wampanoag, Narragansett and Nipmuck Indians 1675-1676.
  • 1675: Christian Huygens patents the pocket watch.
33 1676 
  • 1676: Robert Hooke invents the universal joint.
34 1679 
  • 1679: Denis Papin invents the pressure cooker.
35 1685 
  • 1685: James II. Ruler of England 1685-1689. House of Stuart (restored): 2nd son of Charles I. Deposed 1688, interregnum Dec 11, 1688, to Feb 13, 1689.
36 1689 
  • 1689: King William's War: English Colonies vs France 1689-1697.
  • 1689: William III and Mary II. Rulers of England 1689-1702. House of Stuart (restored): Son of William, Prince of Orange, by Mary, daughter of Charles I. Mary eldest daughter of James II. She died 1694.
37 1698 
  • 1698: Englishman, Thomas Savery invents a steam pump.
38 1701 
  • 1701: Jethro Tull invents the seed drill.
39 1702 
  • 1702: Queen Anne's War: English Colonies vs France 1702-1713.
  • 1702: Anne. Ruler of England 1702-1714. House of Stuart (restored): 2nd daughter of James II. Died with no living heirs.
40 1709 
  • 1709: Bartolomeo Cristofori invents the piano.
41 1711 
  • 1711: Englishmen, John Shore invents the tuning fork.
42 1712 
  • 1712: Thomas Newcomen patents the atmospheric steam engine.
43 1714 
  • 1714: George I. Ruler of England 1714-1727. House of Hanover: Son of Elector of Hanover, by Sohia, grand-daughter of James I. Proclaimed King under Act of Settlement.
44 1717 
  • 1717: Edmond Halley invents the diving bell.
45 1722 
  • 1722: French C. Hopffer patents the fire extinguisher.
46 1723 
  • 1723: Drummer's War 1723-1726.
47 1724 
  • 1724: Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the first mercury thermometer.
48 1727 
  • 1727: George II. Ruler of England 1727-1760. House of Hanover: Only son of George I, married Caroline of Brandenburg.
49 1733 
  • 1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle.
50 1744 
  • 1744: King George's War: French Colonies vs Great Britain 1744-1748.
51 1745 
  • 1745: E.G. von Kleist invents the leyden jar, the first electrical capacitor.
52 1752 
  • 1752: Benjamin Franklin invents the lightening rod.
53 1755 
  • 1755: Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary.
54 1756 
  • 1756: French and Indian War: also known as the Seven Years War. French Colonies vs Great Britain 1756-1763.
55 1757 
  • 1757: John Campbell invents the sextant.
56 1758 
  • 1758: Dolland invents a chromatic lens.
57 1759 
  • 1759: Cherokee War: English Colonists vs Cherokee Indians 1759-1761.
58 1760 
  • 1760: George III. Ruler of England 1760-1820. House of Hanover: Grandson of George II, married Charlotte of Mecklenburg.
59 1761 
  • 1761: Englishmen, John Harrison invents the navigational clock or marine chronometer for measuring longitude.
60 1764 
  • 1764: James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny.
61 1767 
  • 1767: Joseph Priestley invents carbonated water - soda water.
62 1768 
  • 1768: Richard Arkwright patents the spinning frame.
63 1769 
  • 1769: James Watt invents an improved steam engine.
64 1774 
  • 1774: Georges Louis Lesage patents the electric telegraph.
65 1775 
  • 1775: American Revolution: English Colonists vs Great Britain 1775-1783.
  • 1775: Alexander Cummings invents the flush toilet.
  • 1775: Jacques Perrier invents a steamship.
66 1776 
  • 1776: USA: signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • 1776: David Bushnell invents a submarine.
67 1779 
  • 1779: Samuel Crompton invents the spinning mule.
68 1780 
  • 1780: Benjamin Franklin invents bi-focal eyeglasses.
  • 1780: Gervinus invents the circular saw.
69 1783 
  • 1783: Englishmen, Henry Cort invents the steel roller for steel production.
  • 1783: Louis Sebastien demonstrates the first parachute.
  • 1783: Joseph Michel Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier invent the hot-air balloon.
  • 1783: Benjamin Hanks patents the self-winding clock.
70 1784 
  • 1784: Andrew Meikle invents the threshing machine.
  • 1784: Joseph Bramah invents the safety lock.
71 1785 
  • 1785: Charles Augustus Coulomb invents the torsion balance.
  • 1785: Blanchard invents a working parachute.
  • 1785: Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom.
  • 1785: Claude Berthollet invents chemical bleaching.
72 1786 
  • 1786: John Fitch invents a steamboat.
73 1789 
  • 1789: George Washington first president of the United States 1789-1797.
  • 1789: The guillotine is invented.
74 1790 
  • 1790: The United States issued its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia for a machine that roves and spins cotton.
75 1791 
  • 1791: John Barber invents the gas turbine.
  • 1791: Early bicycles invented in Scotland.
76 1792 
  • 1792: William Murdoch invents gas lighting.
  • 1792: The first ambulance.
77 1794 
  • 1794: Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
  • 1794: Welshmen, Philip Vaughan invents ball bearings.
78 1795 
  • 1795: Francois Appert invents the preserving jar for food.
79 1796 
  • 1796: Edward Jenner creates a smallpox vaccination.
80 1797 
  • 1797: John Adams president of the USA 1797-1801.
  • 1797: A British inventor, Henry Maudslay invents the first metal or precision lathe.
  • 1797: Wittemore patents a carding machine.
81 1798 
  • 1798: Franco-American Naval War: United States vs France 1798-1800.
  • 1798: Aloys Senefelder invents lithography.
  • 1798: The first soft drink invented.
82 1799 
  • 1799: Alessandro Volta invents the battery.
  • 1799: Louis Robert invents the Fourdrinier Machine for sheet paper making.
83 1800 
  • 1800: Frenchmen, J.M. Jacquard invents the Jacquard Loom.
84 1801 
  • 1801: USA: Tripolitan War 1801-1805. Barbary Wars: also fought in 1815. United States vs Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli 1801-1805.
  • 1801: Thomas Jefferson president of the USA 1801-1809.
85 1804 
  • 1804: Richard Trevithick, an English mining engineer, developed the first steam-powered locomotive.
  • 1804: Freidrich Winzer (Winsor) was the first person to patent gas lighting.
86 1809 
  • 1809: James Madison president of the USA 1809-1817.
  • 1809: Humphry Davy invents the first electric light - the first arc lamp.
87 1810 
  • 1810: German, Frederick Koenig invents an improved printing press.
  • 1810: Peter Durand invents the tin can.
88 1812 
  • 1812: War of 1812: United States vs Great Britain 1812-1815.
89 1813 
  • 1813: Creek War: United States vs Creek Indians 1813-1814.
90 1814 
  • 1814: George Stephenson designs a steam locomotive.
  • 1814: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first person to take a photograph.
  • 1814: German, Joseph von Fraunhofer invents the spectrocope for the chemical analysis of glowing objects.
  • 1814: The first plastic surgery is performed in England.
91 1815 
  • 1815: Humphry Davy invents the miner's lamp.
92 1817 
  • 1817: James Monroe president of the USA 1817-1825.
93 1819 
  • 1819: René Laënnec invents the stethoscope.
  • 1819: Samuel Fahnestock patents a "soda fountain."
94 1820 
  • 1820: George IV. Ruler of England 1820-1830. House of Hanover: Eldest son of George III, Prince Regent, from Feb 1811.
95 1823 
  • 1823: Mackintosh (raincoat) invented by Charles Mackintosh of Scotland.
96 1824 
  • 1824: Professor Michael Faraday invents the first toy balloon.
  • 1824: Englishmen, Joseph Aspdin patents Portland cement, the modern building material.
97 1825 
  • 1825: John Quincy Adams president of the USA 1825-1829.
  • 1825: William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet.
98 1827 
  • 1827: Charles Wheatstone invents the microphone.
  • 1827: John Walker invents the modern matches.
99 1829 
  • 1829: Andrew Jackson president of the USA 1829-1837.
  • 1829: William Austin Burt patents a typographer, a predecessor to the typewriter.
  • 1829: Frenchmen, Louis Braille invents braille printing.
  • 1829: American, W.A. Burt invents a typewriter.
100 1830 
  • 1830: Frenchmen, B. Thimonnier invents a sewing machine.
  • 1830: William IV. Ruler of England 1830-1837. House of Hanover: 3rd son of George III, married Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen.
101 1831 
  • 1831: American, Cyrus H. McCormick invents the first commercially successful reaper.
102 1832 
  • 1832: Texas Revolutionary War: Texas vs Mexico 1832-1836.
  • 1832: Englishmen, Louis Braille invents the stereoscope.
103 1834 
  • 1834: Jacob Perkins invents an early refrigerator (really an ether ice machine).
  • 1834: Henry Blair patents a corn planter, he is the second black person to receive a U.S. patent.
104 1835 
  • 1835: Englishmen, Francis Pettit Smith invents the propeller.
  • 1835: Englishmen, Henry F. Talbot invents Calotype photography.
  • 1835: Solymon Merrick patents the wrench.
  • 1835: Charles Babbage invents a mechanical calculator.
105 1836 
  • 1836: Samuel Colt invented the first revolver.
106 1837 
  • 1837: Martin van Buren president of the USA 1837-1841.
  • 1837: Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.
  • 1837: English schoolmaster, Rowland Hill invents the postage stamp.
  • 1837: Victoria. Ruler of England 1837-1901. House of Hanover: Daughter of Edward, 4th son of George III; married (1840) Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who became Prince Consort.
107 1838 
  • 1838: Samual Morse invents Morse Code.
108 1839 
  • 1839: Frenchmen, Louis Daguerre and J.N. Niepce co-invent Daguerreotype photography.
  • 1839: Kirkpatrick Macmillan invents a bicycle.
  • 1839: American, Charles Goodyear invents rubber vulcanization.
  • 1839: Welshmen, Sir William Robert Grove conceives of the first hydrogen fuel cell.
  • 1839: American, Thaddeus Fairbanks invents platform scales.
109 1840 
  • 1840: Englishmen, John Herschel invents the blueprint.
110 1841 
  • 1841: William H. Harrison president of the USA. William Henry Harrison succumbed to pneumonia 1841.
  • 1841: John Tyler president of the USA 1841-1845. John Tyler the first vice president to succeed to the presidency due to death of a president.
  • 1841: Samuel Slocum patents the stapler.
111 1842 
  • 1842: Joseph Dart builds the first grain elevator.
112 1843 
  • 1843: Alexander Bain of Scotland, invents the facsimile.
113 1844 
  • 1844: Englishmen, John Mercer invents mercerized cotton.
114 1845 
  • 1845: James Polk president of the USA 1845-1849.
  • 1845: American, Elias Howe invents a sewing machine.
  • 1845: Robert William Thomson patents the first vulcanised rubber pneumatic tire.
115 1846 
  • 1846: Mexican-American War 1846-1848.
  • 1846: Dr. William Morton, a Massachusetts dentist, is the first to use anesthesia for tooth extraction.
116 1847 
  • 1847: Hungarian, Ignaz Semmelweis invents antisceptics.
117 1849 
  • 1849: Zachary Taylor president of the USA 1849-1850. Zachary Taylor died while in office.
  • 1849: Walter Hunt invents the safety pin.
118 1850 
  • 1850: Millard Fillmore president of the USA 1850-1853. Millard Fillmore, vice president under Zachary Taylor, sworn in as president after Taylor's death.
  • 1850: Joel Houghton was granted the first dishwasher patent.
119 1851 
  • 1851: Isaac Singer invents a sewing machine.
120 1853 
  • 1853: Franklin Pierce president of the USA 1853-1857.
121 1854 
  • 1854: John Tyndall demonstrates the principles of fiber optics.