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Chronology for Alexander A Woods

Exerpts from Newspapers, Censuses and his Civil War Pension File

from 1850 US Census on 2 Oct 1850 in West Salem, Mercer, PA
Alex, age 5, born PA, living with parents

from 1860 US Census on 21 Jun 1860 in West Salem, Mercer, PA
Alexander, age 15, born PA, living with parents

from Civil War Pension File,
Enlistment in 199th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment on 8 Sept 1864

The 199th Pennsylvania Infantry lost 2 officers and 30 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 52 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War.
-September & October, 1864: Organized at Philadelphia under Colonel James C. Briscoe, Lt. Colonel Ambrose A. Lechler and Major William A. F. Gehr
-October: Moved to Deep Bottom Landing, Va. Duty in trenches before Richmond, Va.
-March 28-April 9, 1865: Appomattox Campaign March
---April 2: Assaults on Forts Gregg and Alexander and Fall of Petersburg
---April 3-9: Pursuit of Lee
---April 6: Rice's Station
---April 9: Appomattox Court House. Surrender of Lee and his army.
-April - May: Duty at Richmond, Va.

from Civil War Pension File,
Discharged from military on 28 June 1865

from 1870 US Census  on 3 Aug 1870 in West Salem, Mercer, PA
Alex, age 25, born PA, farming, living with mother

from various sources
Move from West Salem, Mercer, PA to Wheatland, Mercer, PA

from "The Greenville Argus", 10 May 1873 (
WOODS - WALKER - May 1st, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Wheatland, Mr. Alex A. Woods and Miss Nellie Walker.

from "The Greenville Shenango Valley Argus", 5 Sept 1874 (
The mule race at Wheatland, Saturday was probably the most "amusing" amusement ever held in the county. A base ball match between the Curtis Hill Club and a picked nine also took place on the grounds at the same time, which was won by the Curtis Hill boys. With flying balls kicking mules, and clouds of dust, the locality was not a save one, so we shifted our position to the sidewalk in front of Wood's drug store - where we found Alec, dispensing his sparkling soda water to the thirsty crowd - and concluded to view the scene from a distance, leaving our correspondent to forward the result of the day's doings. The judges' stand, an improvised affair, gave way shortly after the races commenced, doubtless owing to the weight of the ponderous bell which hung upon it. (It was a cowbell.) We have not the space to spare to note the many laughable incidents which occurred, but suffice it to say that every body felt that they had spent a festive afternoon.

from "The Greenville Shenango Valley Argus", 10 Oct 1874 (
Alex Woods has disposed of his drug store to Wm Ricard of Fredonia.

from various sources
Move from Wheatland, Mercer, PA to Turkey City, Clarion, PA estimated at 1874

from "The NY Daily Tribune", 28 Jan 1879 (
Pittsburg, Penn., Jan. 27. - A special to the Chronicle from Turkey City, Clarion County, says a fire broke out there early this morning and the water works being frozen up the fire spread rapidly in all directions, and in an hour and a half the best portion of the town was in ruins.

from "The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette", 28 Jan 1879 (
- At Turkey City, an oil town in Clarion county, Pa., yesterday morning, a fire broke out in M.B. Hathaway's dry goods store (originating from a stove pipe), resulting in the complete destruction of that establishment and about one-half the town, including the A.O.U.W.'s building, Daughenbaugh's furniture store, A.N. Heard's dwelling and E. Stephen's hardware store, on West Main street; Gardner's barber shop, Graham's old postoffice. Bouch's billiard rooms, Nichols & Wright's grocery, United Pip Line adn Telegraph offices, Spencer & Backholdt's billiard parlor and J.C. French's confectionary, on East Main street; also Ganit's dwelling and McElwaine's hardware store, Bumpus' dwelling, Hathaway's feed store, Lilly's and Smith's dwellings, Justice Mackin's office, Boilen's dry goods store, Means' photography gallery, Hathaway's dwelling and store room, Mercer's dwelling and market adn Kroft's dwelling and grocery, on the north side of Main street. Swan's drug store was badly damaged. The loss is estimated at about $30,000. The heaviest losers are Hathaway, $15,000; Boilen, $4,000; Watt & McElwain, $3,500; E. Stephens, $1,500; Nichols & Wright, $1,500; J. Kraft, $1,200.

from "The Greenville Advance Argus", 18 Dec 1879 (
WOODS - at Turkey City, Clarion Co., on Sabbath evening, Dec. 14, 1879, Freddie J., son of A.A. and Nellie Woods, aged 11 months. The remains of the child were brought to this place of Monday evening and on Tuesday were buried in the family lot in the cemetery. The grief-stricken parents desire to acknowledge the great kindness of the friends who assisted them in burying their dead.

from 1880 US Census on 7 Jun 1880 in Richland, Clarion, PA
Alexander, age 34, born PA, clerk in drug store, parents born PA/PA

from 1880 US Census on 23 Jun 1880  in Wheatland, Mercer, PA
Alexander, age 35, born PA, clerk in drug store, parents born PA/PA

from various sources
Move from Turkey City, Clarion, PA to Richburg,Allegany, NY in 1884

from "The Greenville Record-Argus", 28 Feb 1884 (
A. A. Woods elected as school director in Wheatland PA with no opposition

from "The Bradford (Pa) Era", 10 Dec 1889 (
A.A. Woods is the Main street druggist who is know all over the oil country and respected by all. He came here from Wheatland, Mercer county, Pa., in 1884. He is supervisor of Wirt township and a notary public, also telegraph operator for the Western Union. He is in the oil business at Windfall and has a lease at Lima, O.

from 1890 Census on Jun 1890  Wirt, Allegany, NY
private in 199 Penn Inf, enlisted 9 Sept 1864, discharged 8 July 1865, duration 10 months

from 1892 NY Census on 16 Feb 1892 in Wirt, Allegany, NY
age 48, born US, druggist

from Civil War Pension File, 25 April 1892 in Richburg NY
My name is Alexander Woods, and under that name I enlisted, and it so appears on my Certificate of Service. After the close of the war, I added the letter "A" to my first name, making it A.A. Woods, which name I always use in my writing and business. My reason for adding the "A" to my name was on account of another Alexander Woods, living in same town, but he is now dead.

from "The Friendship Weekly Register", 12 Jan 1893 (
A.A. Woods, the Richburg druggist, was handsomely remembered by the children of the S.B. church Sunday school, Christmas. They quietly raised a fund amongst themselves, bought a splendid gold watch chain of your jeweler, Mr. Lane, and presented to Mr. Woods in token of his efficiency in Sunday school and church work. Mr. Woods values his chain very much, not for its intrinsic value only but for the loving kindness which prompted the gift. We all hope that Mr. Woods will live long and remain in our midst for Richburg is not itself without him.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 1 Sept 1893 (
A.A. Woods and Crandall Lester of Richburg, in company with Dr. Brainard of Andover, are drilling a test well on the Brown farm, in the town of Greenwood, a short distance from Andover. Either oil of gas in plenty will please them.

from "The Andover News", 13 Sept 1893 (
A good gas well was brought in on the E.J. Brown farm three miles southeast of this village yesterday. The well was drilled by Dr. N.P. Brainard of Andover, C. Lester and A.A. Woods of Richburg. It is estimated this well will show a pressure of from 100 to 150 pounds.

from "The Andover News", 11 July 1894 (
The residents of Green's Corners will soon burn gas for fuel and lights. The Woods Oil and Gas Company, composed of Messrs. A.A. Woods and C. Lester of Richburg, and Dr. N.P. Brainard of Andover, are running a line to that place from their wells near this village. We congratulate our neighbors on the prospect.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 1 Jun 1894 (
A.A. Woods of Richburg has purchased the "Farmer" Dean lease of 40 acres, with one producing well, located on lot 29, town of Genessee, of A. Miner Wellman.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 22 Mar 1895 (
NEWSY RICHBURG NOTES: Comrade A. A. Woods has received $246 back pay and will receive $6 a month from now on. Mr. A. A. Woods came home last week. Mrs. Woods and Helen are expected here in a week or two.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 12 Apr 1895 (
Woods and Maxson are drilling on the George Smith farm.

from "The Whitesville News, 11 Jul 1895 (
A. A. Woods and son, Ralph, of Richburg, stopped at the Wilson house Monday evening. Mr. Wood is one of Allegany county's "solid" oil producers.

from "The Elmira Daily Gazette and Free Press", 29 Jan 1896
The increasing interest in the Andover oil field is indicated by the fact that the following oil producers have recently secured leases.: A.B. Cottrell of Alfred, C. Lester and A.A. Woods of Richburg; T. Welch of Bolivar, Alva York and Phillips Bros. of Allentown, E. Harris and K.S. Black of Scio and J.A. Wetherby of Wellsville.

from "The Andover News", 5 Feb 1896 (
W.J. Richardson, cashier of the State Bank of Belmont, has purchased the interest of A.A. Woods, of Richburg, in the Woods Oil and Gas Company. This company has large interests in the Andover field, and holds many valuable leases.

from "The Boliver Breeze", 12 Feb 1897 (
Mrs. A.A. Woods died at her home in Richburg, Monday morning, after an illness of three months, aged 45 years. The deceased leaves a husband and two children to mourn their irreparable loss. Mr. Woods has resided in Richburg for nearly 12 years; the family are highly respected and have the sympathy of the entire community

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 28 Oct 1897 (
A.A. Woods of Richburg went to Rochester, Monday, to take the civil service examination, and to get in line for a federal position.

from "The Whitesville News, 28 Dec 1899 (
Richburg, Dec. 27-Alex. Woods, who is employed by A.D. Work of Jamestown as a traveling salesman for candy, is spending the wook in town.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 26 Apr 1900 (
A.A. Woods, who has been confined to the house for some time with Bright's disease is recovering and is able to be about the streets.

from 1900 US Census on 5 Jun 1900  in Richburg, Allegany, NY
age 54, born Dec 1845 in PA, widowed, salesman, parents born PA/PA (enumerator on this census)

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 19 July 1900 (
A.A. Woods is the first Richburg man to wear a McKinley button this campaign.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 22 Nov 1900 (
A.A. Woods' well on the Skinner farm, Wirt Center, is a dry hole.

from "The Friendship Republican", 7 Feb 1901 (
RICHBURG: It is said that A. A. Woods will go to Angelica to take charge of a drug store. "Alick" is a first class druggist.
ANGELICA DEPARTMENT: Mr. Woods is the new druggist at Mason's Pharmacy. He will begin next week,

from "The Friendship Republican", 14 Jun 1901 (
A.A. Woods, of Angelica, was in this place on business, Tuesday.
from "The Cuba Patriot", 1 August 1901
Notice of First Meeting of Creditors.
In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of New York. In Bankruptcy. In the matter ot Maxson & Woods Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. No. 645. To the creditors of Ralph H. Maxson and Alexander A Woods of Richburg, in the county of Allegany, and district aforesaid, bankrupts. Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of July, A D. 1901, the said Ralph H. Maxson and Alexander A. Woods were duly adjudicated bankrupts, as individuals and as co-partners, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at my office in Wellsville, Allegany Connty, New York, on the 13th day of August, A. D. 1901. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting.
Dated, Wellsville, N. Y , July 30th 1901.   W.L. Ward    Referee in Bankruptcy

from "The Friendship Republican", 16 Aug 1901 (
BELMONT: A. Woods of Angelica was in town Tuesday.

from various sources
Move from Richburg, Allegany, NY to Angelica, Allegany, NY in 1901

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 4 June 1903 (
Angelica Advocate: A.A. Woods was in Pennsylvania recently where he has a half interest in 261 acres of land in the township of Libery, McKean county.

from "The Bolivar Breeze", 23 Feb 1905  (
Alexander A. Woods of Angelica, who served with Company F. 199th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War, had had his pension increased form $6 to $10 per month. He is a member of the Richburg G.A.R.

from various sources
Move from Angelica, Allegany, NY to Caledonia, Livingston NY in 1905

from "The Caledonia Era", 13 Dec 1905 (
A.A. Woods, formerly with W.S. Thomas of Angelica, where he was a registered pharmacist for five years, began his duties last Wednesday as pharmacist in Perhamus' drug store. Mr. Woods comes highly recommended. His son is private secretary to Mayor Cutler of Rochester.

from various sources
Move from Caledonia, Livingston, NY to Le Roy, Genesee, NY in 1907

from "The Perry Herald-News", 1 Aug 1907 (
Mr. A.A. Woods of the Wilcox pharmacy, Le Roy, spent Sunday in Perry. Mr. Woods is interested in the oil and gas business, and thinks of locating here.

from "The Ellicottville Post", 1 Jan 1908 (
Ad for H.B Drown Pharmacy states, "Alexander A. Woods in charge of Prescription Department."

from various sources
Move from Le Roy, Genesee, NY to Attica, Wyoming in 1908

from "The Caledonia Era", 2 Dec 1908 (
Mr. A.A. Woods of Attica called on some of his numerous Caledonia friends on Thanksgiving Day.

from 1910 US Census on 26 Apr 1910 in  Attica, Wyoming, NY
age 64, born PA, widowed, clerk at drug store, boards with owner of drug store, parents born PA/PA

from "The Attica News", 1 Feb 1912 (
Mr. A.A. Woods, left Monday for Bradford, Pa., where he will visit for a short time before going to Oneida, Tenn., for the remainder of the winter.

from various sources
Move from Attica, Wyoming, NY to Fillmore, Allegany, NY in 1912

from "The Buffalo Times", 21 Jan 1912 (
A.A. Woods has resigned as pharmacist in the Rogers' drug store, and expects to spend the remainder of the winter visiting relatives and friends in Tennessee and Oklahoma.

from "The Angelica Advocate", 25 April 1912 (
A.A. Woods, formerly of Angelica but more recently of Attica, is the new druggist at Dr. Redmond's pharmacy in Fillmore.

from "The Attica News", 2 Jan 1913 (
A.A. Woods has resigned as clerk in the Rogers' drug store and Charles Gill of Belfast has assumed the position.

from Civil War Pension File, 17 Oct 1914-12 Mar 1915
Residence is 119 North Grant St Chanute, KS, home of Ralph & Maude Tennent

from Civil War Pension File, 11 Jan 1915-2 Feb 1915
Residence is 306 West 9th St. Tulsa, OK, home of Harold J & Helen Baker

from "The Greenville Evening Record", 14 July 1915 (
Alex Woods is visiting his brother J.W. Woods of Maysville the past week.

from "The Caledonia Era", 8 Dec 1915 (
Advertisement for Quality Drug Store states, "Mr. A.A. Woods, a graduate pharmacist, will be in immediate charge."

from "The Caledonia Era", 1 March 1916 (
The East Avenue little boys and girls have been going into ecstasies over four or five snow houses as high as a man's head on J.C. Tennent's lawn since the big snow began. The Esquimaux huts were laid out on streets that bore names corresponding with those of Caledonia's thoroughfares. A.A. Woods, grandfather of Mrs. R.A. Woods two children, was the architect of the crustal mansions, and is a very popular idol with the youngsters in consequence.

from "The Greenville Evening Record" 29 May 1916 (
Alexander A. Woods died in Springwater, N.Y., May 27, of pulmonary apoplexy. His remains were brought to Greenville Sunday and will be interred in his family lot Tuesday afternoon, services at 3 o'clock. He is survived by his two children: Mrs. Harold J Baker and Ralph Alexander Woods, both of Tulsa, Okla., and four grandchildren.

from "The Caledonia Era", 31 May 1916 (
The news of death of Alexander A. Woods which occurred in Springwater last Friday evening. May 26, 1916, came as a great surprise to Caledonia people as it was not known but that he was enjoying the best of health. Mr. Woods was a man who made friends wherever he went and consequently everyone who know him feel that they have lost a valued friend. He was born in Greenville, Pa., 72 years ago, and most of his early years was spent in the oil fields of Pennsylvania. He served one year in the war and was with General Grant at Appomatox, and was a member of the G.A.R. During later years he held positions as druggist in Caledonia, Attica, Le Roy, Fillmore, Buffalo and lastly Springwater. Deceased leaves one daughter, Mrs. Harold J. Baker, and one son, Ralph A. Woods, both of Tulsa, Oklahoma; also four grandchildren. His wife, whose maiden name was Nellie Walker, died eighteen years ago. He also leaves a brother of Greenville and a number of nieces and nephews. The remains were taken to Greenville and buried in the family lot. Mrs. R.A. Woods went to Greenville to attend the funeral. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Members of the G.A.R Post of Greenville and the 199th Pennsylvania regiment in which Mr. Woods, enlisted attended the funeral.

from "The Greenville Evening Record" 31 May 1916 (
Card of Thanks
To the members of the G.A.R. and all other kind friends, we wish to extend our sincere gratitude for their kind offices on the occasion of the burial of our A. A. Woods. It was singularly appropriate that he should be laid to rest on this Decoration day. 
Helen Woods Baker, Maude T. Woods, Ralph A Woods

from "The Pharmaceutical era", Volume 49, July 1916, pg 287
Alexander A. Woods, who conducted the Quality drug store in Caledonia, N. Y., for a number of years, died on May 27 at his home in Springwater, to which place he moved on March 1. He was 72 years of age. The burial took place at Greenville, Pa.

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