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- from "The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts"
Benjamin (Francis, Jacob, John, John ) was born in Ipswich, Mass,, in 1700. He removed to Gloucester with his mother in 1708. He married there Mary Robinson, Feb. 17, 1727-8; she was the daughter of Andrew Robinson, of Gloucester. He was a mariner, and on the records is called "captain." He acquired considerable property, both real and personal, in Gloucester. His will, which was signed Dec. 8, 1744, and proved May 1, 1749, gives to each of his children five shillings, besides making provision for their support and education, and a legacy upon their arriving at the age of eighteen years, or marrying. He gives the remainder of his estate, of all kinds "to my wife, Mary, as long as she shall continue my widow, and, at her death, the remainder shall be divided among my children by my wife, Mary." The inventory of his property contains, among other items, - "1 Negro wench and 2 children, £75, 1 Negro-bed and furniture, 35s, One quarter part of ye Crown Bowl Tavern house, £112-10-00. - Half a pew in ye new meeting-house, £7." His wife, Mary, was to be the executrix of his will. He died in April, 1749. Mary, widow of Capt. Benjamin Perkins, made a will which was signed March 18, 1759, at which time she says she is sick of body. She provides in this will for each of her daughters by giving them a portion for their education, and fitting them off with furniture, when they shall be married. "Being blind and weak and unable to set my hand to this instrument," she desires that James Parsons, Doct. Plummer, Capt. Andrew Giddings and Daniel Witham, would be witnesses to her assent, which she gave upon the will being distinctly read unto her. Her will was proved April 23, 1759.