Alden Hatheway, Jr.

Name Alden Hatheway Suffix Jr. Birth 6 Apr 1811 Freetown, Bristol, MA Gender Male Census 2 Sep 1850 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 39, born MA, farmer, parents next door Census 31 Aug 1855 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 44, born MA, farmer, he & family living with parents Census 8 Sep 1860 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 49, born MA, farmer, parents in house Census 25 Aug 1865 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 54, born Freetown, Gentleman Census 18 Aug 1870 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 59, born MA, Govt Inspector Census 12 Jun 1880 Freetown, Bristol, MA age 69, born MA, Gentleman, parents born MA/MA Death 7 Jul 1886 Freetown, Bristol, MA Person ID I361 Family Tree Last Modified 11 Oct 2016
Father Alden Hatheway, b. 9 Apr 1770, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA
d. 11 Sep 1861, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 91 years)
Mother Mercy Palmer, b. 26 Apr 1778, Rhode Island
d. 11 May 1864, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 86 years)
Marriage 3 Jan 1802 Dartmouth Family ID F84 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Susan Hathaway, b. 8 Jan 1812, Freetown, Bristol, MA
d. 20 Aug 1882, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 70 years)
Marriage 17 Dec 1837 Berkley, Bristol, MA Children + 1. Alden Leonard Hatheway, b. 15 Mar 1839, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 3 Dec 1901, Vallejo, Solano, CA
(Age 62 years)
2. Betsey Hatheway, b. 29 Oct 1840, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 31 Jan 1937, Fall River, Bristol, MA
(Age 96 years)
3. Charles Edward Hatheway, b. 21 Jan 1842, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 26 Nov 1842, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 0 years)
4. Charles Edward Hatheway, b. 7 Sep 1843, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 20 Oct 1844, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 1 year)
5. Helen Minerva Hatheway, b. 30 Jan 1845, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 27 Mar 1905, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 60 years)
6. Abby Palmer Hatheway, b. 29 Sep 1846, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 30 Jan 1861, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 14 years)
7. Noah Hatheway, b. 1849, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 23 Jul 1882, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 33 years)
8. Anna A Hatheway, b. 30 Jul 1851, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 25 Feb 1866, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 14 years)
9. Baby Girl Hatheway, b. Nov 1853, Freetown, Bristol, MA d. 4 Apr 1854, Freetown, Bristol, MA
(Age 0 years)
Family ID F80 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Oct 2016
Photos Alden Hatheway Jr
Headstones Alden Hatheway Gravestone
ALDEN HATHEWAY JR. / Born / April 6. 1811. / Died July 7. 1886.
Thou with not leave us in the dust: / Thou modest man he knows not why / He thinks he was not made to die / And thou hast him; thou art just
Notes - from "History of Bristol County Massachusetts" by D Hamilton Hurd, 1883
Alden Hathaway, Jr., was born April 6, 1811. He received a common school education, and upon arriving at proper age he employed his time during several winters in teaching school, and in farming and trading during the summer months. He has been through life a trader and speculator and a successful business man. He is one of the few honorable and worthy representatives of one of the most ancient, useful, and respectable families of the town. Among various positions of office and trust he has i been chairman of the board of selectmen and overseer of the poor, and was member of the board eight years. He was representative to the State Legislature two years (1838-39). He was reared in the Democratic school of politics, voted that ticket many years, and was elected to the Legislature on the Democratic platform, but he now affiliates with the Republican party. He resides on the homestead of his father in Assonet village, and is passing down the hill of life with the pleasing consciousness that the acts of his long business career will bear the closest scrutiny, and that there is nothing in his past record that does not sustain the honor of the family name. He married Susan Hathaway, daughter of Edmund and Betsey Hathaway, and sister of Guilford H. Hathaway. (See his biography.) To this union there are three living children, one son and two daughters. The son went to California when eighteen years of age, married there, has three children, and is a successful business man. Mrs. Hathaway died Aug. 23, 1882. - from the "The Boston Journal", 13 Jul 1886 (
Mr. Alden Hatheway of Assonet, Mass., who died a few days ago, had been active in town affairs and had held several town offices. He was a Representative in the Legislature in 1838 and 1839, and previous to 1875 he served five or six years as an Inspector in the Boston Custom House. He had been a member of the Christian Church of Assonet since 1832.
- from "The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette", 15 Jul 1886
The body of Alden Hatheway of Freetown, N.H. who was reported to have died on the 7th inst., and whose funeral services were held on the 10th, is stated to have been warm and flushed on Sunday, and the interment of the remains has been postponed until dissolution is unmistakable.
- from "History of Bristol County Massachusetts" by D Hamilton Hurd, 1883